Sunday, April 25, 2010

Roma- Great for sauces, salads, pastes etc

Roma Tomato SeedsRoma Tomato: America's most popular vegetable. Produces a big crop that requires little space and effort. Excellent for juice, salads, canning and relish.

Care: Stake or cage to save space. Water deeply when dry and feed monthly.

Harvest: Pick gently when color is fully developed.

Your Health: Rich in calcium, Iron and Vitamins A, B1, B2, Niacin and C.

Great tomatoes for sauces & pastes.

(I) (OP) An old-time plum type tomato on a compact plant. The 3 oz. fruits are crack resistant and widely used for tomato paste, canning and juicing. Resists verticillium and fusarium wilt. 80 days.

Patio Hybrid Tomato

Patio Hybrid Tomato Seeds - Lycopersicon Esculentum - 0.2 Grams - Approx 70 Gardening Seeds - Vegetable Garden SeedPatio Hybrid Tomato: Compact and upright, determinate plants require only 2” stakes and produce their fruits from the bottom of the plant. Bushy, 25” tall dwarf plants are compact and grow well in containers. Vigorous and productive with 4 oz. deep oblate, medium-sized fruit. Very easy to grow.

The very compact plants, about two feet tall, are a very reliable producer of lots of tomatoes the size of tennis-balls (or larger), and have attractive dark green foliage. Although the plants are determinate, they produce so many tomatoes that the sheer weight of the fruit may pull the plants over, so it's best to give them some support - a stake or two will suffice. Tomatoes are ripe in about 70 days after transplanting out.
Recommended container size - 12" in diameter, and 12" deep - or a little larger.

70 days.
Self pollinating, can be reused year after year.

Brandywine Heirloom Tomatoes

Rose Brandywine Tomato 3 Plants - Deep Pink & Smooth - ORDER NOW!
Brandywine is a large fruited, potato leaf, pink heirloom tomato that has taken on legendary status due to its potentially superb flavor.

Fruits average one pound.
Brandywine – indeterminate, pink fruited, large fruit, oblate shape, some green shoulders, some ribbed shoulders, some cracking, yield can range from low to relatively high, potato leaf, meaty, with superb flavor.

Remember Indeterminate needs support.